Participated in HCD for TVET Competence Deveolpment of Multipliers (Core Group) in the field of Management of TVET institutions from 5-18 October 2015 at Bangkok,Thailand - Thongdy NAOHVANPHENG

Photos ທີ່ສາມາດເລືອກເອງໄດ້


Participated in HCD for TVET Competence Deveolpment of Multipliers (Core Group) in the field of Management of TVET institutions from 5-18 October 2015 at Bangkok,Thailand

             Participated in HCD for TVET Competence Deveolpment of Multipliers (Core Group) in the field of Management of TVET institutions from 5-18 October 2015 at Bangkok,Thailand

            1. Welcome to the International Qualification

            2.Handbook Management for TVET Institutions